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August 2007 Cast

Sins o' the Flesh

Los Angeles, CA

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Sins O' The Flesh has been performing at the Nuart Theatre in WEST LOS ANGELES (not Santa Monica, bitches!) since late '87 / early '88 (there was soo much alcohol consumption, no one from the era is quite sure!). The Nuart was one of the original theatres to begin showing Rocky Horror as a midnight experiment in the '70s, and some variation of cast formed shortly thereafter. The current incarnation of SINS has spent 20 years satisfying LA's insatiable lust for all things "freaky" and "different". We are Los Angeles' very own "island of misfit toys"!

Always striving for a "movie-accurate" style of show infused with extra energy and pizazz, SINS has also been an early adopter of some of the Rocky community's infamously innovative gimmicks, themes, and pre-shows. SINS was the first known cast to put on an annual "Switch Night" (reverse gender roles) on April Fool's weekend, a tradition dating back to our first years, as well as the first to host an annual Toga Night on the Ides of March- this has since become Animal House Night- togas, combined with many shots! Other themes have included '70s, '80s, and '90s Nights, Austin Powers Night, Sacrilege Night, Superheroes Night, and many more. In the '90s, SINS matured into a leading creative force in "Special Performance" pre-shows, with its Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tim Burton, and Quentin Tarantino versions of Rocky Horror, the last of which leaving the Roosevelt Hotel stage literally drenched in over a gallon of movie-effect blood. SINS also produced and performed an original Rocky-based musical entitled The Virgin Horror Show, written by Jason Satterfield and performed for the first time at Midnight Insanity's 30th anniversary convention Cirque Du Rockeil in 2005. SINS' aim is to always leave the Rocky community wondering, "What the hell will they do next?"

While doing our best to be equal-opportunity offenders, we've made some fabulous friends along the way, particularly our close friends at MI (Long Beach), and Crazed Imaginations (San Diego). SINS also has Wild and Untamed Things and Rocky's Whores (now Dark Refrain) as sister casts in the local area, who helped us pull off our largest effort to date- a full shadow-cast of Grease 2 requiring over 30 performers. SINS also began an annual shadow casting of Clue five years ago (with the blessing and attendance of the film's writer / director Jonathan Lynn) and performed what may have been the final 35mm shadow-cast of Shock Treatment (2000), in collaboration with members of MI and WUT. In 2007 SINS took on John Waters' greaser classic Cry Baby and did a full shadow-cast to a sold-out theatre.

Along with being a fishnet's length from Hollywood comes the fun of spotting celebs at the show, and while we've got an entire page on our website dedicated to the fun people who've dropped by the show (, the most special guest definitely had to be Susan Sarandon, who dropped by our show back in 1998. She was quoted as having a wonderful time, and even sent an autographed photo to SINS' Janet, Elizabeth, without being asked. She also said of the general experience of our audience participation: "it was like being trapped in an auditorium full of people with Tourette's syndrome", and we couldn't be more proud of that.

Above and beyond all that, SINS has thrown some of the biggest, loudest, most neighbor-offending parties in LA (yes, you can come) - and more than anything, we're proud to be the kind of people you want to throw back a shot or five with at the CON!

While the main site is still maintained, we know you're all avid MySpacers out there so you can check us out at, to stay abreast of the fun antics coming up and help continue the sinning tradition of Rocky Horror in Los Angeles!

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