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April 1996 Cast

New York City Cast

New York, NY

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Well, after Sal asked me to write a profile for our cast, I must admit, I was scared. I mean, think about it. We are being this month's cast profile, because the first weekend of this month will mark The Rocky Horror Picture Show's 20th Anniversary playing at midnight in New York City. Let's see what has happened in the past 20 years. When you think of the New York City show. I guess a few names pop right up, like Dori Hartley, Sal Piro, Mad Man Mike, Phil "Boy Genius" Dejean, Robin Lipner, Ron Maxwell, Perre Poley, Delfina, and Michelle Rehfeld just to name a very few people. Then you think of some other special nights, like the night Michelle Rehfeld married Moishe Pipik (the best April Fools' joke I have ever heard of), the 10th anniversary at the Beacon, our security guards being part of the mayhem on the Geraldo show (the one when Geraldo got his noise broken), and my favorite night was when Weird Al Yankovic came down to Eighth Street Movieland to watch us.

Not to mention the fact that we have been through five different locations (Waverly, Eighth Street Playhouse, Eastside Cinema, Eighth Street Movieland, and Village East Cinema) and we are still here every weekend doing the same thing, but somehow you never know what might happen at any given moment. But now all you read about on the newsgroup is which cast is better, this cast is the best of the East Coast and so on. Well, I think that there is no one great cast, there is no "dream team" when it comes to RHPS. There shouldn't be. This is a movie that was made as a depiction to B-horror movies, and then the people I mentioned and many, many, many more helped take this movie to a whole new level.

They allowed us to have a place to go and have a great time. The whole reason we have been here for 20 years isn't because one cast member is better then another, or one cast is better then another. We are here because it allows us to be ourselves, and we have fun and when all is said and done, no one will ever know if Berkeley of '94 was better then New York of '83, or Paramus of '95 is better then New York of '96. So as a tribute to our cast being here when it started, and the fact that we are still here doing better now then we have in the past year, I would like to mention our cast:

Catherine Wood (F-n-F)
Kevin McCreesh (F-n-F, Brad, Rocky)
Jessica Tuman (F-n-F, Magenta)
Frank Cwiklik (F-n-F)
Chrysta Hawkins (F-n-F)
Wendy Waddell (Janet, Columbia)
Hilary Bernstein (Janet, Magenta)
Ron Maxwell (Brad, Cast Coordinator)
Bob Brader (Brad), Scott Hlavacek (Brad)
Mad Man Mike (Riff Raff)
Tiffany LaRue (Magenta)
Theresa DiStasi (Magenta)
Dawn Miller (Columbia, Janet)
Debbie Figueroa (Columbia)
Bobby Persico (Eddie, Dr. Scott)
Phil Dejean (Eddie)
Harry (Eddie, Dr. Scott, Rocky)
Bill Brennan (Eddie, Riff Raff)
Mr. Hawkins (Eddie)
Norm (Criminologist)
The Tech Crew - Glen F., Amanda, Scott Hlavacek, Harry, and Richie.

All the people I just mentioned make the show continue, and it doesn't matter that another cast thinks they're better, because when the show's over I am honored to say that I was a part of a cast that does stick with the principle of RHPS, which I feel is simply to lose your identity for a couple of hours, and don't worry what other people think, because when you walk into the theater you ain't in Kansas no more.

- Scott

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